Javonia Smith, MCJ, LMSW

Co-Founder/ Lead Facilitator

After a decade of direct service working with various underserved populations, Javonia transitioned into a role as a Mental Health Consultant that focuses on shifting the culture and macro-level policies and practices. Javonia also facilitates agency-wide workshops on racial justice and workforce culture transformation. Additionally, Javonia is passionate about developing strength-based, whole-person, curriculum and policies. Javonia believes her mission is to design and facilitate much-needed conversations about racism, equity, cultural humility, team building, crisis and stress management, trauma-informed practices, and self-care while demystifying these concepts and mental health.

Javonia is a Social Worker and Mental Health Consultant for the Office of School Health, DOHMH. In 2008, Javonia received a Bachelors in Criminology at @universityatbuffalo, followed by a Masters in Criminal Justice at @johnjaycollege in 2012, and a Masters of Social Work from @silbermanssw in 2016 and was licensed in 2018. Javonia’s interest in this work lies at the intersection of both disciplines.

Reforum Consulting has allowed for and elevated that mission, and it has been powerful to be a part of something so beneficial and needed.

Javonia’s motivational life quote is: “Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it”- Maya Angelou

Our Leadership

Vicky Jocelin, LMSW

Vicky Jocelin, LMSW

Co-Founder/Lead Facilitator

Javonia Smith, LMSW, MCJ

Javonia Smith, LMSW, MCJ

Co-Founder/Lead Facilitator

Ti-Me Gadsden, MSOL

Ti-Me Gadsden, MSOL

Co-Founder/Lead Facilitator

Connect with ReForum

Founded in Brooklyn 2018

© Copyright ReForum Consulting

ReForum Consulting strives to provide a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible environment for all of our clients and participants to feel welcomed. Our brand commitments ensure that everyone feels respected and valued, seen and heard.